Saturday, 11 August 2012

Spring Cleaning prep!

So, yesterday we only had the two eggs :-( Mind you, it's not like we eat loads so that's more than enough for us!

I stupidly left the vent to the coop open last night so when the light came through it wakes them up - early! Now I like my sleep but lately 7am is a lie-in (well, i think technically I get up, let them out into the run, put food and water down and then go back to bed for an hour). I would like to say that its because I'm pregnant and therefore need more sleep, but its not. I like my sleep and am a horrible cow when tired. Why Joe puts up with it god only knows!

By 8.30am there was some serious clucking coming from the coop - Myrtle was laying and she likes EVERYONE to know that she's laying! Anyway, I figured I should actually get up and do some housework and let the girls out into the garden (don't I lead the exciting life?!). I managed to find some cheap paving slabs on FaceBook (7 for £5 - bargain!) so we headed off to pick these up. My plan for tomorrow is to put the slabs in (I spend each night with the window open as I worry a fox or rat may get in) and do a big tidy up of the straw (i find straw on the ground means it doesn't smell in the hot weather), plus scrubbing the patio down and a deep clean of the coop. Yup, tomorrow is deep clean day!

I have taken some before pictures, how the run looks at the moment and will then upload some new ones tomorrow.

One end of the run, complete with Lucie cat!

I have also taken some pictures of how the garden looks after allowing the chickens to free range most of the day for the last week! Now our garden wasn't the most immaculate, as I am not a huge gardening fan, but they really do wreck it! Plus now there is lots of poo everywhere which, according to Piper, is the best thing to try to roll in!

At one point, this was grass!

This was my herb garden!

Again, this once was grass!

However we did have 4 eggs today - admittedly with great difficulty. Mabel is definitely broody and will not only sit on her egg, she'll sit on the other's eggs too. After you take the eggs she just mopes around the garden. I can get her to eat certain foods but she's definitely feeling sorry for herself. I think the others are pecking her a bit too. I just hope this doesn't go on too long, its actually quite sad to see.

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