Saturday, 4 August 2012

Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

Lucie's found a great vantage point to watch the ladies...

...And then decides to guard the run for when the ladies return
So we are definitely making progress. Piper (when on a long line) manages to contain her excitement most of the time. The chickens are free ranging for at least 30 mins each day (they don't half wreck your garden though), during which they come onto the patio area, keeping Piper in sight. As soon as the excitement gets too much and she moves towards them, they scuttle off out of her reach, but are less jumpy around her.

They are also completely oblivious to the cats. Tabitha is still quite curious but has decided for now they are that little bit too big, Seren gets confident until the last minute and just runs away. Lucie is more interested in the cat nip in the garden, which is a good thing really as she started going back into heart failure a few days ago so I think trying to chase them wouldn't be too good for the old ticker!

We have had some more hot weather and I have noticed that Mabel seemed to have a bit of an upset tum and not laid for a few days. Think it may have been too much rich food so held off on the fruit and she seems fine, we are back to our 3 eggs a day - still nothing from Bessy!

We have been making the most of people cutting the grass in this weather too. My sister's husband cut their grass the other day and gave us a bin-bag full of cut-grass. We've decide that they do very well from these chickens - we take away their rubbish and then keep them in eggs.  We just as for a few cakes in return...

When Bessy starts laying we'll be able to really give away eggs because at the moment, they're only small and so 3 eggs goes very quickly!

I took a couple of photos that have no story behind them but seemed worth taking at the time...

Double-yolker from Mable (the pale brown egg) - It's MASSIVE!

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