Dear All,
Unfortunately today was a sad day in our household.
After a few days of Mabel seeming like she was doing better, then a couple of days of plateau-ing; we gave her a little bath this morning as there was a lot of mess around her vent.
She was washed, rinsed and dried and put out to sit in the sun before we went out for a couple of hours.
When we got back, she was where we had left her and it was obvious to Emma (who went outside first) that Mabel had died. She was curled up, as if sleeping, but there was something about her that told Emma she was gone. She was dry and fluffy, but had been there for a while, her eyes half shut. Emma was obviously devastated as is worried that it was something we did, or didn't do. We had actually made plans to take her to a different vets on Tuesday, after the bank holiday and get a second opinion. We had also discussed the possibility of having her PTS if we couldn't fix what was going on, but I guess Mabel took that decision out of our hands (probably a good thing - Emma's not good at those decisions).
So, with a heavy heart we are down to 3 birds. We will keep an eye on them and see how we go. Should our confidence increase over the next month or two, we may add two more to the flock (Emma wants one that lays blue eggs!), but we will see for the moment.
We plan to contact the vets on Tuesday and find somewhere that will cremate Mabel and we will scatter her ashes in the garden.
A little diary of what it's like to set up a run of 4 chickens in a garden of a house already containing: 1 x dog (Piper) 3 x cats (Tabitha, Lucie and Seren) 1 x chameleon (Hugo) 3 x fish (Fish 1, Fish 2 and Fish 3)
Monday, 27 August 2012
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
It always seems to be 2-steps forward and 1 step backwards with these animals.
On Sunday I noticed that Piper, although on a long-line wasn't keen to come outside too far and wasn't really paying the ladies any attention so I thought we'd turned a corner so we tried her offlead in the garden with them without a problem... 2 steps forward
Then today, we let the ladies out and gave Mabel her meds (yep, still on them).
Piper came out and paid them no attention until, without warning, she ran for them, in particular Mabel. It was just chasing, no killing intended, but it shook the girls up......1 step back.
We also thought that Mabel was perking up. She's eating more, her tail was more raised and she seemed more active, and interactive with the others......2 steps forward. She now seems to have stalled where she is. Still eating and wandering round the garden, but still not 100%. Tail is not perky yet and still not laying........1 step back.
Just don't know what to do any more. Vets visits stress her out but she seems happy bimbling in the garden, just not right.
On Sunday I noticed that Piper, although on a long-line wasn't keen to come outside too far and wasn't really paying the ladies any attention so I thought we'd turned a corner so we tried her offlead in the garden with them without a problem... 2 steps forward
Then today, we let the ladies out and gave Mabel her meds (yep, still on them).
Piper came out and paid them no attention until, without warning, she ran for them, in particular Mabel. It was just chasing, no killing intended, but it shook the girls up......1 step back.
We also thought that Mabel was perking up. She's eating more, her tail was more raised and she seemed more active, and interactive with the others......2 steps forward. She now seems to have stalled where she is. Still eating and wandering round the garden, but still not 100%. Tail is not perky yet and still not laying........1 step back.
Just don't know what to do any more. Vets visits stress her out but she seems happy bimbling in the garden, just not right.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Sick Chick
Since the last post, we've had a worrying few days.
Mabel had suddenly started just sitting on the ground or in the coop and not eating.
We noticed she wasn't as active as the others about a week ago and spent a lot of time in the nest-box sitting on the other ladies' eggs but not really laying any of her own.
We assumed she was just broody and made sure we took any eggs away quickly and moved her off them regularly.
On Tuesday I noticed that she was standing still in the run and didn't come over to the door with the others so i watched her and then started filming her. She actually falls asleep on her feet at one point and then wakes herself up by nearly toppling over!
(Forgive the camera-work, I was watching Mabel rather than the screen so it's a little jumpy)
Mabel had suddenly started just sitting on the ground or in the coop and not eating.
We noticed she wasn't as active as the others about a week ago and spent a lot of time in the nest-box sitting on the other ladies' eggs but not really laying any of her own.
We assumed she was just broody and made sure we took any eggs away quickly and moved her off them regularly.
On Tuesday I noticed that she was standing still in the run and didn't come over to the door with the others so i watched her and then started filming her. She actually falls asleep on her feet at one point and then wakes herself up by nearly toppling over!
(Forgive the camera-work, I was watching Mabel rather than the screen so it's a little jumpy)
We decided that this was getting silly so called the vets and made an appointment to see one of their specialists on the Wednesday.
Vets have diagnosed a bit of an infection so given antibiotics (in pill-form which means we have to tip her head back, open her beak and pop them in 1/4 at a time as they're huge! Each 1/4 is the size of a Smint) plus some MetaCam to lower her temperature.
She seems to have perked up a little - she's now fighting against us when we try to open her beak, pecking at the ground a little and taking live worms (mealworms and waxworms) from our hands. Her comb is still droopy, but is now getting some of its colour back plus when in the garden she is definitely more active. Still a worrying time though as she's not insured (can you insure a chicken?) and the vets are talking about blood tests etc!
So it's now Saturday and I think we've had a breakthrough...
After much consultation by email with Rachel from Widgets Farm where we bought them from, I think we've diagnosed Sour Crop which, for those who don't know (we didn't), is basically where food becomes trapped in the crop of the chicken and goes sour.
[The crop is like a hamster's pouch where food is stored until the stomach is ready for it and gets filled during the day but over-night, the chicken processes it all so that in the morning it's ready to go again.]
The treatment for Sour Crop is Cod-Liver Oil squirted down the throat and then massage of the crop. You then have to tip the bird upside down until she vomits whatever it is that's not passing.
So we've done that for 2 days, as well as the HUGE antibiotics and this morning Mabel seemed more perky. She's walking about with the other ladies and showing more interest in the bugs / grass. Her comb has reddened up and lost a little of it's waxy glaze so I think we're definitely on the mend!!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
First Deep Clean Done!
So, after making plans to do a deep clean, I woke up and still had the energy to clean! We had a lot planned for today, and as usual didn't get it all done, but I think that is life.
The new dishwasher arrived (yes, we have only just bought a dishwasher) and Joe was busy plumbing that in, plus re-plumbing the washing machine. He also, whilst waiting for delivery, was able to cut the paving slabs in two, thanks to Bill from Cambridge Coachworks lending us some form of tool (can't remember the name) that could cut paving slabs. We only had to do four in the end, so the spare ones found a new home with one of the neighbours.
So whilst this was going on, I was getting the run ready with help from Chloe, the daughter of one of the neighbours. All the straw was scraped back into the corner, the soil wet (to give some pliability) and I tried as much as possible to level out the soil. Once level (ish), Joe brought the cut slabs through. They were put on the inside, against the edge of the run. I personally wanted them on the outside, as i think it will be harder, but Joe thought inside would be better, so that's what we did!
[Joe here: They're on the inside because we've destroyed enough grass with the coop, adding an extra foot around the edge would lead to even less grass on our lawn!]
Once in place, the 'run inside the run' was put back in and the straw moved back. We then cleaned out the inside of the coop, plus hosed down the outside and the patio, scattered some feed (they seem to keep more occupied in the run if the pellets are scattered rather than in a dish) and the girls came running back in.
Joe also bought some plywood to go on the top of the run to provide a little more shelter from rain and sun. It's been all change here today!
They seemed to like it, which is good. It was very hot again today so they had another dunking tray with strawberries and sweetcorn. Also as an extra treat, we gave them some natural yogurt - they LOVED it, although poor Mabel didn't pay much attention and therefore didn't get any. Some days I wonder if she can see properly as she just seems to not notice food - unless that's another part of broodiness?
Only 3 eggs today (Myrtle, Doris and Bessy) but seeing as Mabel laid yesterday I wasn't expecting anything from her today. I think as a little treat tomorrow I may try them on some cooked spaghetti - see if that convinces Mabel to try to lay again!
And now, some photos of the updated run!!
As you can see, after being in it for 5 minutes the straw was everywhere!
The 'run inside the run' - hoping they may use this bit of soil as a dust bath area.
Leaving the roof of the run open to help dry it all out! Doris and Bessy having a good old scratch around.
The new dishwasher arrived (yes, we have only just bought a dishwasher) and Joe was busy plumbing that in, plus re-plumbing the washing machine. He also, whilst waiting for delivery, was able to cut the paving slabs in two, thanks to Bill from Cambridge Coachworks lending us some form of tool (can't remember the name) that could cut paving slabs. We only had to do four in the end, so the spare ones found a new home with one of the neighbours.
So whilst this was going on, I was getting the run ready with help from Chloe, the daughter of one of the neighbours. All the straw was scraped back into the corner, the soil wet (to give some pliability) and I tried as much as possible to level out the soil. Once level (ish), Joe brought the cut slabs through. They were put on the inside, against the edge of the run. I personally wanted them on the outside, as i think it will be harder, but Joe thought inside would be better, so that's what we did!
[Joe here: They're on the inside because we've destroyed enough grass with the coop, adding an extra foot around the edge would lead to even less grass on our lawn!]
Once in place, the 'run inside the run' was put back in and the straw moved back. We then cleaned out the inside of the coop, plus hosed down the outside and the patio, scattered some feed (they seem to keep more occupied in the run if the pellets are scattered rather than in a dish) and the girls came running back in.
Joe also bought some plywood to go on the top of the run to provide a little more shelter from rain and sun. It's been all change here today!
They seemed to like it, which is good. It was very hot again today so they had another dunking tray with strawberries and sweetcorn. Also as an extra treat, we gave them some natural yogurt - they LOVED it, although poor Mabel didn't pay much attention and therefore didn't get any. Some days I wonder if she can see properly as she just seems to not notice food - unless that's another part of broodiness?
Only 3 eggs today (Myrtle, Doris and Bessy) but seeing as Mabel laid yesterday I wasn't expecting anything from her today. I think as a little treat tomorrow I may try them on some cooked spaghetti - see if that convinces Mabel to try to lay again!
And now, some photos of the updated run!!
As you can see, after being in it for 5 minutes the straw was everywhere!
The 'run inside the run' - hoping they may use this bit of soil as a dust bath area.
Leaving the roof of the run open to help dry it all out! Doris and Bessy having a good old scratch around.
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Spring Cleaning prep!
So, yesterday we only had the two eggs :-( Mind you, it's not like we eat loads so that's more than enough for us!
I stupidly left the vent to the coop open last night so when the light came through it wakes them up - early! Now I like my sleep but lately 7am is a lie-in (well, i think technically I get up, let them out into the run, put food and water down and then go back to bed for an hour). I would like to say that its because I'm pregnant and therefore need more sleep, but its not. I like my sleep and am a horrible cow when tired. Why Joe puts up with it god only knows!
By 8.30am there was some serious clucking coming from the coop - Myrtle was laying and she likes EVERYONE to know that she's laying! Anyway, I figured I should actually get up and do some housework and let the girls out into the garden (don't I lead the exciting life?!). I managed to find some cheap paving slabs on FaceBook (7 for £5 - bargain!) so we headed off to pick these up. My plan for tomorrow is to put the slabs in (I spend each night with the window open as I worry a fox or rat may get in) and do a big tidy up of the straw (i find straw on the ground means it doesn't smell in the hot weather), plus scrubbing the patio down and a deep clean of the coop. Yup, tomorrow is deep clean day!
I have taken some before pictures, how the run looks at the moment and will then upload some new ones tomorrow.
One end of the run, complete with Lucie cat!
I have also taken some pictures of how the garden looks after allowing the chickens to free range most of the day for the last week! Now our garden wasn't the most immaculate, as I am not a huge gardening fan, but they really do wreck it! Plus now there is lots of poo everywhere which, according to Piper, is the best thing to try to roll in!
This was my herb garden!
Again, this once was grass!
However we did have 4 eggs today - admittedly with great difficulty. Mabel is definitely broody and will not only sit on her egg, she'll sit on the other's eggs too. After you take the eggs she just mopes around the garden. I can get her to eat certain foods but she's definitely feeling sorry for herself. I think the others are pecking her a bit too. I just hope this doesn't go on too long, its actually quite sad to see.
I stupidly left the vent to the coop open last night so when the light came through it wakes them up - early! Now I like my sleep but lately 7am is a lie-in (well, i think technically I get up, let them out into the run, put food and water down and then go back to bed for an hour). I would like to say that its because I'm pregnant and therefore need more sleep, but its not. I like my sleep and am a horrible cow when tired. Why Joe puts up with it god only knows!
By 8.30am there was some serious clucking coming from the coop - Myrtle was laying and she likes EVERYONE to know that she's laying! Anyway, I figured I should actually get up and do some housework and let the girls out into the garden (don't I lead the exciting life?!). I managed to find some cheap paving slabs on FaceBook (7 for £5 - bargain!) so we headed off to pick these up. My plan for tomorrow is to put the slabs in (I spend each night with the window open as I worry a fox or rat may get in) and do a big tidy up of the straw (i find straw on the ground means it doesn't smell in the hot weather), plus scrubbing the patio down and a deep clean of the coop. Yup, tomorrow is deep clean day!
I have taken some before pictures, how the run looks at the moment and will then upload some new ones tomorrow.
One end of the run, complete with Lucie cat!
I have also taken some pictures of how the garden looks after allowing the chickens to free range most of the day for the last week! Now our garden wasn't the most immaculate, as I am not a huge gardening fan, but they really do wreck it! Plus now there is lots of poo everywhere which, according to Piper, is the best thing to try to roll in!
At one point, this was grass!
This was my herb garden!
Again, this once was grass!
However we did have 4 eggs today - admittedly with great difficulty. Mabel is definitely broody and will not only sit on her egg, she'll sit on the other's eggs too. After you take the eggs she just mopes around the garden. I can get her to eat certain foods but she's definitely feeling sorry for herself. I think the others are pecking her a bit too. I just hope this doesn't go on too long, its actually quite sad to see.
Friday, 10 August 2012
Finally! 4 layers!!!
So, since we last wrote Bessy has finally laid! Yay :-)
we have had two eggs from her, quite small and pale, but at least she is now laying. Mabel hasn't been laying much but yesterday was the first time we had 4 eggs. Suddenly I had a load of eggs so ended up giving some away to the neighbours. I could sell them, but wouldnt ask for much (£1 for 6?) and its not exactly a huge money making scheme!
We think Mabel is broody. She is not eating as much, has a bit of an upset tummy (although I have found a website that shows different chicken poos and what I though was bad poo is still normal poo - who knew there was such a variety of poo!). Mabel has pulled a few feathers and looking a bit scruffy, plus everytime one of the others lays she just sits on it. We have had 2 eggs today so far (Myrtle and Doris) so we will see if the other two lay today. Bizarrely yesterday Bessy laid out in the run in a nest she made in the straw! Quirky little thing.
We are having a lot of double yolkers from Doris - how the smallest hen can lay the biggest eggs I don't know!
Other than that, no real news. Piper tries really hard not to chase but then the temptation gets too much. I would like to think its because she's young, but seeing as she's nearly 3 that's no longer an excuse! Weather has been quite hot again and although the girls are now out a lot more (I am working downstairs whilst Joe sleeps as he's on nights and I have been leaving the back door open) I am still leaving them water with fruit to bob for. They seem happy enough and keep trying to come into the house! At first I thought it was cute (I had Myrtle sat on the sofa with me at one point) but then one poo-ed in the house. Luckily we have hard wood floors so it was easy to clean, but I think we will try to keep them out now!
I am sure Joe will update later when he gets up!
we have had two eggs from her, quite small and pale, but at least she is now laying. Mabel hasn't been laying much but yesterday was the first time we had 4 eggs. Suddenly I had a load of eggs so ended up giving some away to the neighbours. I could sell them, but wouldnt ask for much (£1 for 6?) and its not exactly a huge money making scheme!
We think Mabel is broody. She is not eating as much, has a bit of an upset tummy (although I have found a website that shows different chicken poos and what I though was bad poo is still normal poo - who knew there was such a variety of poo!). Mabel has pulled a few feathers and looking a bit scruffy, plus everytime one of the others lays she just sits on it. We have had 2 eggs today so far (Myrtle and Doris) so we will see if the other two lay today. Bizarrely yesterday Bessy laid out in the run in a nest she made in the straw! Quirky little thing.
We are having a lot of double yolkers from Doris - how the smallest hen can lay the biggest eggs I don't know!
Other than that, no real news. Piper tries really hard not to chase but then the temptation gets too much. I would like to think its because she's young, but seeing as she's nearly 3 that's no longer an excuse! Weather has been quite hot again and although the girls are now out a lot more (I am working downstairs whilst Joe sleeps as he's on nights and I have been leaving the back door open) I am still leaving them water with fruit to bob for. They seem happy enough and keep trying to come into the house! At first I thought it was cute (I had Myrtle sat on the sofa with me at one point) but then one poo-ed in the house. Luckily we have hard wood floors so it was easy to clean, but I think we will try to keep them out now!
I am sure Joe will update later when he gets up!
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey
Lucie's found a great vantage point to watch the ladies... |
...And then decides to guard the run for when the ladies return |
They are also completely oblivious to the cats. Tabitha is still quite curious but has decided for now they are that little bit too big, Seren gets confident until the last minute and just runs away. Lucie is more interested in the cat nip in the garden, which is a good thing really as she started going back into heart failure a few days ago so I think trying to chase them wouldn't be too good for the old ticker!
We have had some more hot weather and I have noticed that Mabel seemed to have a bit of an upset tum and not laid for a few days. Think it may have been too much rich food so held off on the fruit and she seems fine, we are back to our 3 eggs a day - still nothing from Bessy!
We have been making the most of people cutting the grass in this weather too. My sister's husband cut their grass the other day and gave us a bin-bag full of cut-grass. We've decide that they do very well from these chickens - we take away their rubbish and then keep them in eggs. We just as for a few cakes in return...
When Bessy starts laying we'll be able to really give away eggs because at the moment, they're only small and so 3 eggs goes very quickly!
I took a couple of photos that have no story behind them but seemed worth taking at the time...
![]() |
Double-yolker from Mable (the pale brown egg) - It's MASSIVE! |
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