Dear readers,
It's been a busy, busy day!
As I said, earlier we had our first, delicious egg.
Then i cleaned out the ladies while Emma was on some work-call upstairs.
So I locked Piper in the living-room and went out to clean out the coop.
Got the bottom tray out and replaced the paper in the bottom of it and replaced it... so far so good.
By this point, the ladies had wandered out of the run and were happily pecking on the grass.
I went back into the house to put the newspaper away and when I came back out, Piper came past me and chased the chickens...again!
She chased Bessy into the living room and there was much squawking and flapping (and that was just from me!).
Bessy's not been the same around me since... I locked Piper in the living-room again and sat in the garden with the ladies, trying to get them to chill a little.
Bessy refused to go near me for the rest of the day - to the point where she got stuck between the run and next-door's fence.
Piper and I are both now in the "Dog-house" (pun intended)
Finally, on a happier note, next-door's cat has found a great viewpoint for keeping an eye on the ladies...
I love this picture!