Day 1
Today we brought the chickens home!
We originally had names like Piri-Piri, Korma etc but on the drive home we decided that it wasn't as original as we first thought (or as funny) so we have renamed them (from left to right);
Grey and White speckled - Myrtle
Pure White - Doris
Black and Red - Mabel
White and Black - Bessy
They complain like little old ladies too!
Piper (our ginger terrier-cross) was SO excited to see what we had brought home that she sat at the backdoor whining / chirping / sounding-like-she-was-being-tortured until we let her go and have a look. At which point she ran up to the edge of the run to see what they were and made them flutter off - which excited her more!
Every time she barked, we called her back in until she settled then let her go back out again. This has gone on for about 2 hours now. I have been assured they'll get used to each other soon...
...fingers crossed!
As you can see they are busy exploring their new home and so we'll leave them alone until tonight when we'll put them into their coop for a safe (hopefully relaxing) nights sleep.
Days without eggs: 0
(We thought we'd see how long it takes for them to lay - the average is a couple of weeks to get settled but we have a very excitable dog!)
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